Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Coasters and Tea

I really love to make Coasters.

Bright and Cheery!

Do ya like my little bird?

 I first saw these Coasters on Pieceful Blog.  It is on my sidebar.
Then she posted were she got the pattern  http://crochet.about.com/od/vintage/ss/aa052606.htm

 A cup of tea makes for a Great Day


Susanne Tyree said...

Thank you Sherry for stopping by and for your kindness. It was a blessing to have so many nice thoughts and caring words left in my comments. Blogging friends are the best and most faithful friends ever! I appreciate you all.
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

So sweet! Congrats on winning the giveaway :-)