Friday, April 22, 2011


I have this wonderful book that I really need to find a new home for.

As you can see it is by Leisure Arts 127 pages I bought it for $14.94. Then I went to a garage sale and found the same book but hardcover for $2.00. Wow how could i let that go.

The patterns are awesome. I am sure you can check out Amazon and find out more about it.

My photos that I took are crappy. But the book is real nice. The rules are simple:::
1. Become a follower. If you are one that's great. Thank you so much. Cuz it's nice to here a Hello from someone out there.
2. Leave a comment on this post.
Easy Peasy.
I shall draw a name in the next few weeks.

Good Luck.
If only one person enters than they get the book.

Charity Squares! I love making them. Plus I have knitted and crocheted baby booties and hats for this Charity.....

If feels good to donate!!!!!

Sorry I have not been around. Death in the family. So much has happened, plus being sick at times. I so love to read my fellow bloggers.

Have a Great Day!!!!!


Let's Go Yarning said...

Hi Sherry This Joan enter me in the Givewaway. Hope I win:>)

Hugs Friend Joan,

Brenda Jones said...

Hi Sherry glad to see you have a blog and just love all the things you have on it. I would love to have the book you are giving away I really like doing afghans and these look so nice.


Shadowhawke said...

I just got a blog today.......
Add me to the giveaway please. :)

Becky said...

I've signed up to be one or your followers and would love a chance to win this lovely book.

Pammy Sue said...

Hi Sherry. Sorry to hear about the death in your family.

That is a nice book, but I already own it. Someone will be glad to have it. Thanks for letting me know about it.

Happy Easter to you!

Kathy said...

Hello! I'm Kathy (QueenOfAllCrafts) from Ohio. You're handiwork is just lovely. Those charity squares you are making look like a lot of fun to make. They almost look like little candies - LOL! You're giveaway looks like a very nice book too. I love making afghans myself. Have a great day!


Catherine said...

Hi! Thanks for letting us know about your giveaway. I would love to be entered.

Thanks Catherine.

FireSparkle said...

Arlene here. Please enter me in your drawing. thank you