Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year and what are you working on?

The clock is ticking..............................

I wish everyone a Safe, Healthy, Happy New Year
Mandella Pillows!!! I could not find round pillow forms locally. The one I did find cost $17.00. Do you know how much yarn i could buy for that?
So hell no!!!!!!!!!!! did I buy that pillow form. I made one myself. Stuffin costs around $3.00. Plus I had old materal laying around.

I'll show the finished project later. Cuz well I am not done yet.
Plus I am going to go to in-laws for dinner.

Such a sweet face. She was in my lap at the time. I could not help myself.
JUJU is 8 months old now.

Have a Great Day!

Monday, December 13, 2010

I just LOVE this painting ..... I have this one hanging over my T.V. My JUJU girl. Such a fashion esta.

Look what I am working on!!!!!! YUM This is the back view. I LOVE Color.

Christmas cheer to ALL !!!!!!

We feed the deer in our back yard. So peaceful. What makes you feel at peace????
Have a Great Day!