We finally got a new puppy. We are calling her Sweety. She weigh's 2 pounds. She was born on January 19th. Such a cutie. She is. Joe my husband is soo happy, he even named her. He played with tiny dog alot . Now he can train and play with Sweety.
I have been so busy with my dad. He had to go up to cleveland clinic for heart surgery. So far in 1 month he has had 4 surgery's. Very stressfull. But We ALL survived. I ended up getting a bad cold. Now it's in my chest. Thank God for antibiotics.
I brought my dad home yesterday. FINALLY.
I can't wait until next saturday. The knitter's fantasy is going on . I will be taking 2 crochet classes. I wanted to take a knitting class but they must of been full. I have not been knitting or crocheting much. Way to busy. But I hope to get back to it this week.
I hope everyone is well.